November 2022




Joseph Belanger
Vice Commander
Districts 2 and 10
Department of New York 




Happy Thanksgiving!

Detachment Commanders message November 2022


I hope everyone is doing well. It’s that time again when we are getting our thanksgiving events underway. That being said, I wish you and yours a happy, safe, and healthy holiday. While we are giving thanks I ask that you include the American legion in your graces!

We recently had our district executive committee meeting. As always it was nice to see all my friends from all over the state. Please take the time and look at the minutes so you are up to date. Don’t be afraid to ask questions! Also please reach out to your representative for help in your directory. Use the chain of command when asking questions. Ask your county first for help. They will be able to direct you to what you need. Do not reach out to the top of the command chain! Your county will use the chain of command to funnel information up to us.

The Mid-winter conference is coming up! It will be held from the 20th to the 22nd of January. It’s important that all our squadrons send one representative to our conference. It is preferable that he be the post-commander. Mid-winter is a time when you can get information, training, and networking. It is a fun and active time. We should be counting this cost in our fundraising efforts. This is why we raise money not only to give back to our community but to also send our representatives for training, conventions, conferences, and more. So include these events in your budget and fundraise accordingly.

We have been moving forward with our membership. We need you to be out there. It is important to include sons of the American legion in your every conversation. There is always a way to include the SAL in your conversation. Even if you are not directly asking for membership it’s important to get the word out about the things we do. Connect with your local community groups so we can convey your post presence and mission. Be sure to fill in your consolidated reports so we can show the power of the organization to congress. We are looking at a new squadron in Suffolk County, West Islip, American Legion. Our membership reports are available on or will be included in this article.


If anyone has any interest in starting a new squadron or bringing an old squadron back to life please let your membership committee person or your county commander…!


Thank you for your time and support for the organization. You are important, and needed for our continued success.

DISTRICT COMMANDERS and membership representative:

Dist Cmdr (2) 

Jesse Figueroa

PO Box 90520 Brooklyn, NY 11209


Dist Cmdr (10) 

James Connolly 



Detachment Vice Commanders 2 and 10

Joseph Belanger



Detachment Vice commanders adj

Christopher R. Cerullo









October 2022




Joseph Belanger
Vice Commander
Districts 2 and 10
Department of New York 




Happy Halloween!

I hope you are all reading this in happiness and good health. So it’s that time again when the cold air comes rushing in creating some of the best fall sceneries in all of our great state of New York. It’s been an amazing year with a lot of improvement! I would like to take some time to congratulate everyone on thire new positions within our great organization. 

A lot has been going on. I was honored to be invited to Nassau and Suffolk’s department visitation dinners. Nassau county hosted their dinner at Edwin Welch, Jr post-1132. It was a beautiful post. I was so welcomed it was truly something. It was my great privilege and honor to introduce our department commander Timothy S. Vanpatten II. the dinner for Suffolk county was held at Joseph Loffler post-1006, my home post. I might be biased but its always an amazing time no matter where it is! I was working the bar for the event to it was nice to get to see all my drinkers out there. But all joking aside it was a beautiful space filled with good people.

Membership is something that should be on all our minds as we move forward this year. Please take the time to review the reports page on the site click here to view the page. The State has received an award for most new squadrons created. There was a total of seven new squadrons created.  Right now Suffolk County is working on two new squadrons West Islip,  Smithtown, and the Queen’s county American Legion. 

Finally, I want to touch on consolidated reports. We do a lot of work and we need you to let national know. The repot allows us to show congress all the work we have been doing. All these man hours eqate to money spent. We donate millions including what our consolidated reports say. It would be amazing to see everyone get their work accounted for so we can show the full power of our oragnisation!

So I leave you to your wonderfull halloween activities stay safe and jod bless america!







Membership Reports September 30th, 2022